Robert Ali Nazik
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Robert Ginger pie
Robert Ginger pieIngredients Dough ingredients:25g yeast mixed in 2½ dl water1½ teaspoon salt, 1½ tablespoon oil120g oatmeal, 300g flour Stuffing ingredients:Robert Luncheon Meat, in cubesA pinch of ground and fresh ginger½ garlic clove and white ground pepper400g...
Chilli Potato Cake
Chilli Potato CakeIngredients Robert Chicken Luncheon Meat2 kg potatoes 3 fresh red chilli peppers 6 eggs 1½ dl cream 150g grated cheese 1½ teaspoon coarse salt Some pepperPreparation Peel potatoes and put in water. Slice chilli peppers in small squares. Whip eggs...
Flatbread roll
Flatbread rollIngredients Robert Chicken Luncheon MeatTomatoes and cucumberButter or dressingFlatbreadPreparation Slice Luncheon Meat.Dice tomatoes and cucumber and mix.Put butter or dressing on the bread.Add vegetables and Luncheon Meat.More Recipes